

An 8-Week Program to Help You Organize Your Stress, Clear Your Mental Clutter, and Make More Space for What Really Matters in Your Life


An 8-Week Series to Help You Organize Your Stress, Clear Your Mental Clutter, and Make More Space for What Really Matters in Your Life

More centered. Less stressed. Better #WORKINGMOMLIFE.

Let me paint a picture of a mama who needs to get more centered...

You’re not alone.       It’s not all your fault.       There's a way out.

You feel like you’re a yo-yo on a string, swinging between everyone else’s needs but never taking care of your own.

You sign up for committees no other co-workers will take on.

You rearrange your schedule to accommodate classroom volunteer requests.

You work into the night on emails because you left the office one hour earlier for your kid’s dentist appointment.

You say yes to your in-laws for a spontaneous visit, even though your toddler needs one-on-one time with you after a rough week.

You research therapists for your anxious teen, blaming yourself for not being present enough in the early years.

Every day feels like a diabolical game of Whac-a-Mole, with regret and stress the only “prizes” on offer.

You’re not alone.


It’s not all your fault.

There's a way out.

I’m here to help you make the adjustments that will change your life!

You CAN be a joyful working mom—no matter what your current circumstances. 

An Ohio State University study showed 66 percent of working parents feel like they have nothing left to give. Burned out, desperate working moms = ineffective workers and parents. 

A New York Times exposé highlighted how systems-level forces OR personal factors can reduce working mom struggles. Even if our work cultures aren’t as supportive as they could be, our kids aren’t perfect as we wish they were, or our partners are still learning to pull their weight, we don’t have to keep on suffering.

You have one chance to raise your kids, do the work you care about, and live your best life…Don’t let overwhelm and mismanaged stress keep you from it!

I walk you through this lifestyle shift in 3 concrete ways:

Ready to spend your time, energy, and focus on what matters most, instead of what matters least?

Motivation and Education

I’ll give you the information and encouragement you need to go from Conflicted to Centered using all my expertise and experience in the public health and pediatrics worlds. And I’ll show you exactly how to break through the barriers that you’ll face. 

Build Your Framework

I’ll give you actionable steps toward reaching your work-life integration goals and you’ll work alongside other like-minded, career-focused moms to get there in real time. 

Live a Centered, Purposeful Life

You’ll get the resources to keep going on your Conflicted to Centered journey long after you complete the program. I’ll continue to support you as you head out on this new path toward more purpose and fulfillment. 

"Dr. Whitney strikes the right balance between an overall approach to parenting and practical advice on the nitty-gritty details. It's like having coffee with a best friend who, by the way, just happens to be an expert on all things working mama."


It’s time to reclaim your #workingmomlife

You get to decide how your life goes, Mama. You’ve been held back by stress and obligations. I’m ready to take you toward the life you’ve always dreamed of—where you’re the parent, partner, and person you always wanted to be!

Conflicted to Centered is for every type of mom:

  • New moms
  • Seasoned Moms
  • Corporate moms
  • Work-at-home moms
  •   Single moms
  •  Married moms
  • Young moms
  • Old moms
  • Moms of Neurodiverse kids
  • Moms with one kid
  • Moms with 12 kids
  • Divorced moms


Alright, who is this chick and why should I listen to her?

Mama, I’m your travel guide to the land of purposeful, peaceful motherhood!

I can help you solve it.

I’m here because moms everywhere have a problem.

Our lives are passing us by as we stay stuck in exhaustion, a lack of fulfillment, and resentment.

Even as a Stanford-trained pediatrician and a successful businesswoman, I used to be deeply disappointed at the end of each and every day. I loved my kids, but I longed to escape from them. I loved my work, but it burned me out. The juggle was too much. I was desperate for some help—for something better. 

Now the way I spend my time is aligned with my values, I’m clear on my goals, I’m present with my kids, and I’m showing up as the best version of myself to my own life. 

My days aren’t filled with worries and regret—they’re full of moments I can be proud of without sacrificing my mental or physical health. 

"I had some loose ideas about what I should be doing to balance being a mom, having a career, having a life, but working with Dr. Whitney helped me see how I could do it in a way that fit my own personal needs and didn't stress me out in the process."

—Breanna G

Your Eight Sessions

1. Conflicted to Centered: Understanding the Framework

2. Prioritizing Your Values-Based Personal and Professional Goals

3. Developing Habits and Systems for Increasing Efficiency and Productivity

4. Automating, Delegating, and Sharing the Load

5. Setting Boundaries So You Can Balance Home, Work, and You Without the Burnout

6. Saying Goodbye to the Clutter and Guilt on Your Calendar, In Your Physical Environment, and On Your To-Do List

7. Building Awareness of Your Needs, Caring For Yourself, and Banishing Burnout

8. Putting the Centered Life Blueprint Together

You will walk away from our sessions with:

Conflicted to Centered is a coaching program completely unlike anything else out there. me, I've checked.

Peace instead of resentment

Energy instead of exhaustion

Abundance instead of overwhelm

Joy instead of fleeting happiness

Excitement about the life you lead instead of dread to start the day

"My husband and I have three elementary aged kids, and he and I both work. We've successfully "navigated" so far, and feel lucky that we have a happy & healthy family. But, with 3 kids, 2 careers, a mortgage and a dog, it's amazing looking back at how much we've "taken on" in life over time!!  Dr. Whitney's program helped bring us back to our goals as parents and spouses. It's hard to keep that in mind, with everything going on all the time, and it was good to stop and think about it, with real guidance, to keep on course."

—Jess D.


Committing to projects on the job that energize you and provide true value to your team. 

Saying yes to the committees that will use your skills best, or simply saying no for now.

Responding to school requests with, “Have you checked with any of the dads or other caregivers?” 

Setting personal and professional boundaries around communication and availability to your employer and extended family.

Rescheduling a surprise visit from your in-laws for a time that works for you if “right now” isn’t right.

Making room to enjoy and invest in your kids, and having clear, realistic goals for parenting success. 

Prioritizing time to recharge.

Addressing your inner critic with self-compassion.

What You Have to Lose By Not Clicking That JOIN NOW Button:

What You Have to Gain By Clicking That JOIN NOW Button:


You’ll keep running on that hamster wheel of motherhood, caught between the needs of everyone else, and never prioritizing your own.


You’ll lose the precious moments you could be spending on the things you love, including your kids, your passions, and yourself.


You’ll stay waffling in indecision and constant juggling, unfulfilled and exhausted at the end of the day. 


You’ll start today to be the person you’ve always dreamt you’d be at work, at home, and out in the world.


You’ll stop wasting your time on things that don’t matter and start feeling more and more in-control of your own schedule and life. 


You’ll find clear direction, intention, and purpose, even on your hardest days. 

So, what are you waiting for? It’s your time to reclaim motherhood, Mama!

You’ve been overwhelmed by the juggle, and bogged down by stress. 

Let me show you a better way!

Life will never be perfect. 

All those factors outside of your control are way too slow to change… so let’s change the framework you use to cope with it all. 

What’s My Investment Here?


IN Conflicted to Centered YOU'LL GET:

  • Eight Coaching Sessions with Dr. Whitney, Pediatrician and Mama Wellness Expert

  • PDF Downloadable Workbooks with Challenges, Prompts, and Reflection Activities 

  • Learn Skills to tackle Obstacles That Come Your Way

  • Instructions for Building Your Framework and Maintaining your System 

  • Listen to Coaching Session Replays On the Go (Like a Podcast!)

  • You Own the Program Workbooks and Program Replay Videos

  • Learn From a Mama Wellness expert and Like-Minded Moms in a Private Chat (Like a Facebook Group) Throughout the Program

One single action step from this coaching program could change your whole life

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