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Working Mom


 Modern Mommy Doc


April 17, 2023


 Modern Mommy Doc

CATEGORY: Working Mom

At Modern Mommy Doc, we talk a lot about the push and pull of working motherhood. The feeling that we’re constantly trying to decide what needs our attention–and how to do that without dropping all the other things that need to be taken care of.

And it’s really hard not to feel that when one thing is flourishing, something else is suffering. We see it all over the place in motherhood.

If you’re killing it at work, your house is a mess.

If you’re feeling like you and your spouse have been really connecting lately, your kids feel neglected.

If you make homemade, organic, vegan brownies (😬😬) for one of your kid’s bake sales, you don’t have time to help your other one with their science homework.

And for me, one of the most consistent pushes and pulls I’ve felt is feeling like I cannot give my best to both my work and my kids.

Here’s how I sum it up: If I go to work, my heart aches; if I stay at home, my head aches.

I think the two best times of day for a working mom are the moment she gets to walk into work, knowing she gets to do what she loves, and the moment she walks back out that door, knowing she’s headed to her family. 

We can love both things, want to do both things to the best of our abilities, and still acknowledge that both of them are really hard to do well. Especially at the same time.

When you’re at work, your heart aches. You’re wondering what your kids are up to. If they remembered to bring their lunch. What’s making your husband laugh today. What you’ll do on the weekend with them to “make up” for things you couldn’t do during the week.

But when you’re at home, your head aches. You can’t finish up any work because your kids have decided to put on a recorder concert. You worry that others at work are getting more facetime with the boss because you have to leave every day at 3:30 to pick your kids up from school. You can’t even get in a thought to yourself because you’re constantly trying to be present with your family, while prepping the house, your kids, and yourself for the next day.

Motherhood is full of these “contradictions.” These things that feel like they’re diametrically opposite and can’t possibly be true at the same time. 

Learning to navigate them while still maintaining your own sense of self is one of the biggest pillars we talk about in the Conflicted to Centered Coaching. So that you can live a life you love as a working mom, without drowning in the stress and exhaustion.

My signature coaching program gives you the framework to re-prioritize your values and yourself, while creating sustainable solutions for everything else you have on your to-do list. This is the step-by-step guide you need for integrating your personal and professional life seamlessly, no matter what’s weighing you down or how stuck you’ve become. 

Check out all the info here (as well as the bonuses you can snag!)

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