Modern Mommy Doc
Modern Mommy Doc
With all the things we have to communicate to our kids for them to grow up and be thriving humans, explaining how the world got so cluttered with our own man-made disaster of plastics and manufacturing can feel totally off-limits and waaaay too heavy to chat with your child about.
I know that sometimes it’s even hard as a Mama to take your time shopping, and make conscious decisions. Sometimes the “easy way” is so much more important to our own emotional wellbeing. It’s only when we think about the whole saving-the-forest thing that we might start to feel a bit guilty about the 20 paper plates we used in one day.
With Earth Day tomorrow, we thought we'd quickly share some of our favorite sustainable products and practices. Before we get into our post, this is the perfect place to announce our partnership with THiNK OUTSiDE BOXES.
THiNK OUTSiDE is a monthly subscription box full of outdoor gear and resources that will get your kids
away from a screen and outside exploring nature! A box all about the outdoors arriving each month and giving them something to look forward to. I don’t know about you, but it’s always the things that are the muddiest that keep my child busiest the longest!
Check out what’s inside:
Here are some of our favorite tips and every-day sustainable products that you can switch to now, that also won't break the bank!
Organic can seem "trendy." It can seem "pricey." My #1 tip is to shop the grocery store's value brand of organic food. You can shop oils, condiments, and spices to save a buck and get quality food. Click the link above for a list of affordable organic brands that your local store might carry.
You may have seen these food storage wraps in the store and thought, "what is that?" One way that you can do away with single-use plastics in your home is to switch from plastic bags to beeswax wraps for food storage. They wash with soap just like a dish. These may seem a little taboo, however I encourage you to try it out!
If you're not down with the Beeswax Wraps, you can also choose to purchase glass Tupperware. My #1 tip for glass Tupperware is to make sure they stack!
I'll be the first to admit: it's faster, easier, and I don't have to wash a million dishes when we have disposable plates. You may think you have to do away with the one-time use and luxury of paper plates to be sustainable. Also, when shopping at our regular department stores or grocers, the sustainable options are so much more expensive. It's not an option to buy a $20 pack of 10 paper plates. Seriously? Who can afford those?
I recommend searching for bulk sustainable options from restaurant supply websites, or simply click the link above to check out our Amazon pick for sustainable paper plates.
Plant-based plastic products are on the rise! Have you thought about what you can replace with it? You can totally switch out your tall kitchen bags with plant-based kitchen bags! How cool is that?
When you use products that are more earth-friendly, chances are they are better for your body, too! You can find products that are better, without having to spend more! See the trend here? Buy in bulk, save money, save the planet,
and replace products at home with earth-friendly ones.
Exploring the brands you use everyday and finding out what sustainability practices they have in place is great if you're really trying to support yourself in finding earth-friendly companies to buy from. Most companies will have sustainable packaging, recycling principles, or responsible sourcing.
Those are just a few ideas for you, Mama! Hopefully these tips bring you closer to sustainability, without feeling like you're spending too much, or have to work harder to do it!
*This post includes affiliate links! We believe in the companies we choose to partner with and we would love for you to use the link to purchase! Affiliate links and referrals programs help us fund the free content that we provide here at Modern Mommy Doc. Our work team here is made up of Mamas just like you, so supporting Modern Mommy Doc means supporting Working Mamas!
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I know first-hand that working mom life is hard, but I also know it doesn’t have to be impossible.
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