Modern Mommy Doc
Modern Mommy Doc
Remember all those things we said we’d do or not do as parents?
Before I had kids, I was convinced parenting was going to be easy (I know, I can hear you laughing.) But, I just kept thinking, “I’m a pediatrician! I
ALL the things!”
Yeeeeeah. As you can imagine, that’s not exactly how it turned out.
From the moment I became a mom, my world was different. Shockingly so. I had this brand new baby whom I loved with everything inside of me. And I had a job that I
really loved too. I loved saying yes to every commitment that came my way, but I felt like every yes was a bright red NO I was saying to my family.
I was living in a constant state of feeling
When I was heavily needed at work, I was still equally needed at home. I felt guilty at work. I felt guilty at home. I was perpetually feeling like I was doing everything, but doing nothing well.
A few years ago, after a really exhausting day at work, I came home to my daughter in the middle of a huge tantrum and I could not deal anymore. So, I went and did what any normal mom does…
I had a long cry in the shower (if you’ve never shower cried, I’m telling you, they’re ridiculously therapeutic.)
Through trial and error, I figured out how I could still be an incredible mom to my kids while at the same time being “all-in” at my job. And that’s how Modern Mamas Club got started: I wanted to teach women just like you how to live life, not just surviving from day to day, but actually thriving! In your work life, your parent life, your YOU life.
Modern Mamas Club is a safe, supportive space for like-minded Modern Mamas who dream of having it all, to help them actually achieve that dream, and lift up other Mamas to succeed as well.
✓ A community of Mamas to support you
✓ 24/7 Access to Dr. Whitney’s Video Library
✓ Live Events, Workshops, and Hangouts
✓ Relatable Mom Rooms and Discussions
✓ Resource Library and Dr. Recommendations
✓ Fun Weekly Mini Mom-Note Emails
✓ Weekly Challenges and Prompts
✓ Journaling Downloads and More!
And you can get in for only $15/month!
Come join us as the whole community learns to find a life that is centered and successful at both work AND at home, all starting with a centered vision.
Click here to join!
Welcome! Get the information you need to win at parenting without losing yourself.
Wish your partner would do more to lessen your mental load?
Want to make self-care a priority but not sure how to?
I know first-hand that working mom life is hard, but I also know it doesn’t have to be impossible.
Trust me. The best way to get unstuck isn’t to work harder. It’s to use a framework that gets real results, no matter what area you need to tackle first.