Modern Mommy Doc
Modern Mommy Doc
Ok, Mama. We could be in our current state of uncertainty for awhile and while I can't make social distancing go by any faster, I can offer up some tangible ways to take care of yourself and your kids in the meantime.
Check out our podcast this week on How to Raise an Organized Child with Damon Korb, MD, FAAP.
Just like you, Mama, I'm spending a lot more time than usual with my kids in my own home these days and I am seeing just how much I need to teach them how to get themselves and all their things in order. Dr. Korb is an expert at just that — he's a developmental pediatrician and a father of five, so he knows a little something about controlling chaos (or preventing it in the first place).
New Mamas and Mamas to Be
I talked on AM Northwest this week about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting parents to be heading to the hospital and learning to take care of themselves and of their little ones at home postpartum. You can watch it here:
1. You've Got to Move Your Body
I don't care how you do it, sister, but you have got to make sure you are moving your body consistently. Go for a run, jump on a stationary bike, do online yoga, or, better yet, join my friend Robin Long at The Balanced Life Sisterhood. Robin is all about grace over perfection and right now it feels like we could all use some more grace (and opportunities for mindfulness).
2. You've Got to Set a Schedule
If you're not working outside of your home right now, and you're with your kids 24-7, it's getting old really fast, I know (I was actually on "vacation" until yesterday for a week and a half with my own littles and I just about went bonkers until I figured out some type of daily calendar for us). When you have a calendar, you have some semblance of normalcy, and you and your kids know what to expect.
3. You've Got to Take Some Time for Yourself
When you make your daily schedule, make sure you're putting some time in for taking care of yourself. Gone are the days (for now - remember, this is just temporary) of grabbing a quick bite with girlfriends, heading to the gym, or even going on a trip with your significant other in the name of self-care but that does not mean you can't take care of yourself in the very deepest sense of the word. You can take 3 minutes to check in with yourself about how you're feeling. You can take 10 minutes to talk with a bestie over FaceTime. You can take a walk in the fresh air.
Mama, this may take a long time to get through the COVID-19 pandemic but I'm in it with you for the long haul. Keep your head up and keep in the moment.
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I know first-hand that working mom life is hard, but I also know it doesn’t have to be impossible.
Trust me. The best way to get unstuck isn’t to work harder. It’s to use a framework that gets real results, no matter what area you need to tackle first.