Modern Mommy Doc
Modern Mommy Doc
There’s something about the long, serene days of summer that makes me nostalgic for them even while they’re still here. Right about now, in early August, is the perfect time to create a summer bucket list. I know this summer has been different than most (understatement of the year), but there are still a few musts on my list and there’s definitely still time and room to find joy in all of this craziness.
I think it is essential to think about our bucket lists at least once a season because time flies, and if we don't purposely plan or think about it, it whizzes by without intention or any real purpose.
If your kids are older, creating a family bucket list is an excellent activity to do together! You never know what might make your kids’ month or even year if you don't get the conversation going.
Here are the top 5 things on my August bucket list!
1. Go to the beach and the water--this is a non-negotiable for me!
Looking out at the horizon reminds me that there’s more to come and that there’s more to life than what I see right in front of me. There is something about the calmness of staring out at a body of water that lets you take a moment to think about the big picture.
We get so caught up in the everydayness of our busy lives that we often don't take the time to think about the reality that life is bigger than our day-to-day. When was the last time you thought about that bigger picture? What is derailing you from your big picture plan? These are thoughts that come into my mind when I take in the smell of the ocean and the beauty of mother nature. Plus, having that saltwater dry on your skin in the sun is the epitome of summer! I love beach days.
2. Play with my kids in the pool.
Play with my kids in the pool. There is something about being in the pool with my girls when there are no distractions that is simply THE BEST. Plus, nothing screams summer more than those sunny days taking a refreshing dip. My kids are little enough that I HAVE to stay focused and keep my eyes on them to keep them safe when they’re in the water, but because I do, it keeps me 100% present with them. I always feel so much better after pool time; I think it is a combo of vitamin D and quality time with the girls.
3. Clean out my closets.
I do this every 3-4 months. By simplifying my closets, I'm creating white space in my brain and in my surroundings. I go through this process by taking everything out from my closets, going through each piece, and only keeping my favorites. I then arrange all my pieces by color so I can see everything and know what is missing. AND it makes it easier for me to get ready every day, which is a win-win because we all know how mom life can be SUPER hectic. Honestly, doing a clothing purge makes me feel at ease. I love getting rid of the excess!
4. Spend more time journaling in the morning and reserving time in the morning for myself.
My family always jokes about my love of long shadows. You know, the time when everything is still a little dark in the early morning or when the light lingers at night? Yep, that’s my favorite. On the days when I set myself up for success by giving myself space and time to write before starting everything else, I am better not only for myself, but also for those around me. Giving myself that space to be me really sets the tone for the day
5. Do something special with each of my kids individually.
I want to make sure I'm intentional about spending time with each of my kids and getting to build our little unique traditions and memories for just the two of us. When they look back on their childhood, I want them to remember some one-on-one mommy time. It is easy to get caught up in everyday life and doing everything together, but building those individual bonds are incredibly important.
With my older one, we'll probably go for a hike or camping trip in our backyard. She's the outdoorsy type; I know anything we do in nature will be a hit. And who doesn't love a backyard camp in the summer? Those were always the best memories when I was little.
With my younger one, she's a fashionista, so we will probably do something girly together like doing an at-home spa day, painting our nails, or letting her pick accessories online. Which, I’ll be real, I’m kind of excited about, too. I already have a color in mind: silver sparkles.
What's on your bucket list? What elements of summer inspire you?
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