Modern Mommy Doc
Modern Mommy Doc
“I am at peace with myself. I always have abundantly more than I need. My family is a joy and life-giving.”
Ah, the good ol’ positive affirmation.
Where you focus your attention and thoughts on what you want your life and feelings to be like and not allow yourself to be pulled down by negativity and self-destruction. And then your life magically starts to go in that direction.
Here’s the deal, I firmly believe that if you have negative self-talk, you’re going to have a much harder time pushing through life. You’ll be disconnected from other people, you’ll have a harder time in relationships, and you’ll certainly be more apt to view things in a negative light.
When you’re constantly swirling around negative thoughts and telling yourself those “stories” that aren’t true, you’re almost
creating another reality for yourself. Which makes it a lot more difficult to cut through that noise and see what’s really happening.
The longer and more deeply rooted those thought patterns are in your brain, the higher your cortisol level is raised. And higher cortisol levels, over time, cause higher blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, weight gain, severe fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.
It legit messes with your body.
On the flip side, if you’re training your brain to remember and look for the good things in life, you’ll see the opposite to be true. But this is where it gets messy: affirmations alone don’t actually change your life. And a lot of the time, you’re surrounded by circumstances that just aren’t gonna change. Like your marriage or your job or your kids.
Instead of trying to manifest and escape your way into this new life where things just simply fall into place, what if you decided to view your life with
radical acceptance, own the experiences you’re going through, and work within the life you already have? What if you learned to focus yourself on YOUR priorities and what mattered the most to you, so that you could lead a life you love?
My newest book,
Doing It All: Stop Over-Functioning and Become the Mom and Person You Were Meant to Be,
lays out a framework unlike anything else, on exactly how to create that life, centered on you and what’s most important.
And when I say “exactly how,” I mean it. I wouldn’t be living up to my oath as a pediatrician and my expertise in the public health arena if I just threw some affirmations your way, told you to connect to the universe, and feel it within yourself. Honestly, that stuff falls WAY short of being to make noticeable, long lasting change.
What you need is a framework laid out that gives you step by step how to take the life you have now and to work within it. Not creating a new you or a new reality, but making practical shifts that help you truly thrive and take ownership of the life you’re in NOW.
Instead of:
Imagine your life where you:
This book is different from any other out there–trust me, I’ve looked. Because it’s not just a chore chart to get your house and kids organized. It’s not just a way to timeblock your days so you can be more productive and effective at work. It takes those types of principals and allows you to customize them to YOUR life. Not the life of the latest podcaster, influencer, or author.
Your life. The one you’ve got right now. But focused where you want to give the most of your time, energy, and attention.
Doing It All
comes out January 30th, but there’s still time to
get your pre-orders in
so you can get those kick-ass bonuses (one of with is a 1:1 session with me!)
Grab your copy
Welcome! Get the information you need to win at parenting without losing yourself.
Wish your partner would do more to lessen your mental load?
Want to make self-care a priority but not sure how to?
I know first-hand that working mom life is hard, but I also know it doesn’t have to be impossible.
Trust me. The best way to get unstuck isn’t to work harder. It’s to use a framework that gets real results, no matter what area you need to tackle first.